dimanche 9 janvier 2011

Heron: Six-category Intervention Analysis

Heron[1] p.145:  the truly skilful practitioner:
·       Is equally proficient in each of the six types of intervention
·       Can move elegantly and cleanly from one type of intervention to any other as the developing situation and the purposes of the intervention require
·       Is aware at any given time of what type of intervention he is using and why.

The different categories and sorts can be woven together in an endless variety of ways depending on the type of practitioner-client relation, the way the given relationship is developing, the emerging potential of the client, the creativity and insight of the practitioner.

Conscious use of the self enhances and does not inhibit spontaneity and creativity. The greatest improvisors are those who have a clear conscious grasp of the full range of the medium’s resources.

The whole purpose of the analysis, its preparatory application through training, and its practical application in life, it to release more and more of the potential of a person-to-person relation within the practitioner-client relation. P155

Six categories:
1. Prescriptive: Give advice, be judgemental/critical/evaluative.
2Informative: Be didactic, instruct/inform, interpret.
3. Confronting: Be challenging, give direct feedback.

4. Cathartic: Release tension in, encourage laughter/crying/trembling/storming.
5. Catalytic: Be reflective, encourage self-directed problem solving, elicit information from.
6. Supportive: Be approving/confirming/validating.

[1] A Six-category Intervention Analysis, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 1976, Vol 4, Issue 2

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